Friday 14 March 2014

At tables there are several types of player, the realists, the simulators, the emotional dramatists, the number crunching types. These are all good, but every now and then they become that guy.

I am usually that guy. I obsess over small bits of fluff, think of amazingly convoluted plans with huge and obvious holes in them to go wrong, remember the bits of the rules which inconvenience the party, stop remembering my skills and start trying to understand the maps in front of me and sometimes create my own dice tests for doing stupid things that occur to me.

I would pretend that this is because I’m an awesome roleplayer, only in real life I’m a bit of an impulsive mess as well, strangely enough.

This blog is going to be dedicated to the end points I come to when I obsess and ruminate, and is more about creating jumping off points. Nothing I post here is going to be a good idea in and of itself. But, hopefully, it might provide the scaffolding for anyone creative and patient enough to come up with something wonderful and beautiful one day. And, hopefully, talk about it.

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